-> World -> Europe ->


Last updated: 9 June 2016
picture taken by Karlheinz Porth (Germany)
on 27 June 1962

 nr. PictureDate of
first issue
Date of
last issue
1924? carÅL 123
(ÅL 121-2277)
hand painted
21924? mcÅL 12
(ÅL 13-266)
hand painted
3  govtÅL 12
(under 100)
plate wanted
hand painted
4  dlrÅP 12
(ÅP 16-51)
plate wanted
hand painted
5  trÅS 12
(ÅS 2-19)
hand painted
61926? carwith tabs (white and blue)plate wanted
hand painted
tab 1926 = blue on white
71950s tempÅL 1 SFplate wanted
hand painted
819621972carÅL 1234
(ÅL 266-3125)
no border
9 1975govtÅL 12
(under 100)
no border
10 Dec 1973mcÅL 123
(ÅL 7-229)
11 1975trÅS 123
(ÅS 3-254)
no border
12 Dec 1973tracÅL 1234
(ÅL 219-1123)
big L
13 Dec 1973tracÅL 1234
(ÅL 499-1894)
small L
  dlrÅP 123
(ÅP 36-148)
no border
15  dlrÅP 97plate wanted
big P, mistake?
16 Mar 1996mopdÅAA 123every year a different
color, 1988 = red
17 Mar 1996mopd123 ÅAAevery year a different
color, 1989 = green
1819721975carÅL 1234
(ÅL 343-7575)
no border
19  trÅS 123
(ÅL 264)
no border
20Jan 1974dec-80mcÅL 123
(ÅL 55-208)
small L
Jan 1975 tracÅL 1234
(ÅL 2018-2080)
(remakes ÅL 216-296)
with border
221975Dec 1980carÅL 1234
(ÅL 366-9437)
with border
231975Dec 1980govtÅL 12 (under 100)with border
241975 trÅS 123
(ÅS 153-470)
with border
25  tracÅL 1234
big L
hyphen mistake
26  dlrÅP 123
(ÅP 96-105)
big P
27 Apr 1997mcÅL 123
(ÅL 125-590)
big L
28Jan 1981May 1992carÅLA 123closed circle
big L, long plate
1983 ÅLD
29Jan 1981May 1992carÅLA 12closed circle
big L, short plate
1987 ÅLH
30Jan 1981May 1992carÅL 1234closed circle
big L, reissue
31Jan 1981May 1992govtÅL 12 (under 100)closed circle
big L
32  tracÅL 1234
(ÅL 2466-2469)
closed circle
big L, non reflective
 Jan 2004tracÅL 1234
(ÅL 2728 - 3899)
(remakes ÅL 69 - 745)
closed circle
big L, reflective
1998 ÅL 3599
low number remake
 May 2004dlrÅP 123
(ÅP 107-126)
also temporary
closed circle big P
1998 ÅP 136
non reflective and reflective
35 Jan 2004trÅS 1234
ÅS 53-4549)
closed circle
big S
1998 ÅS 3399
36June 1992nowcarÅLA 12
new design
short plate
1992 ÅLN
37June 1992nowcarÅLA 123
long plate
1996 ÅLO
1998 ÅLP
38June 1992nowcarÅL 123
ÅLB 12 (-ÅLN)
Jan 2000 ÅLR
July 2000 ÅLS
June 1992nowpersMAJAa shadow number is used and printed on a sticker in the right hand top corner (ÅLM 2)

plate withdrawn
7 digits max. (this is 8)
40June 1992nowtaxiPROMTtaxi uses a red sticker
for the shadow number (ÅLN 124)
41June 1992nowgovtÅL 12
(under 100)
Jan 2002 ÅLT
Jan 2004 ÅLU
42June 1992nowpersÅLAND 1
shadow number (ÅL 28)
43Apr 1996nowmopdÅL 1231998 ÅL 999
44May 1997Apr 1998mcÅL 123new dies
1998 ÅL 599
45Apr 1998nowmcÅL 123new design
46Apr 1998nowpersM 1motorcycle plus sticker
of shadow number (ÅL 640)
May 2000nowmcÅL 123new motorcycle design
low number remake
May 2000nowmcHAR/LEY
plate wanted
new motorcycle design
(shadow number ÅL 649)
Jan Erik
one line
(shadow number ÅL 768)
49May 2003nowtempÅF 123sticker
50Jan 2004nowtracÅL 1234
plate wanted
51Jan 2004nowtrÅS 1234
plate wanted
52May 2004nowdlrÅP 123
plate wanted
53June 2013nowcarÅLA 1234plate wanted

If you have any comments, pictures or even plates, please drop me an e-mail.

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