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I would like to thank the following people:

Peter Auckel (Neth) Daniel Hediger (CH) Dion Rinaldi (AUS-NT)
Frans de Been (Neth) Ian Henderson (AUS-VIC) Toon Roovers (Neth)
Bob Bittner (USA) Roy Klotz (USA) Cedric Sabine (Sco)
Olav Arne Brekke (Norway) Peter van der Krogt (Neth) Joe Sallmen (CDN)
Dick Brightwell (UK) Barrie Lakey (AUS-VIC) John Schatorjé (Neth)
Jean-Emmanuel Chevry (FR) Fernando Lima (Port) Marcello Taverna (Italy)
Manuel Delgado (Urug) Charles Lombardo (AUS-QLD) Filipe Trindade (Port)
Vicens Figueras (Sp) Juke Luoma (FIN) Martin van der Valk (Neth)
Jim Fox (USA) Darcy Matters (CDN-PEI) Manon van Wersch (Neth)
Rolf Greenborough (NZ) Peter Pawellek (GER) David West (AUS-VIC)
Bob Greene (USA) Agustín Pereira Cary (Urug) Ed Yañez (Chile)
Matej Grochal (SK) Detlev Riemann (GER)  

If you have suggestions to improve this site, please drop me an e-mail.

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